WEB API CRUB Operation using code first approach || SQL Server || visual studio || .Net full course
Prerequisites: Visual Studio installed on your system. Basic knowledge of C# programming language. SQL Server installed or accessible.Step 1: Setting up the Project
Open Visual Studio and create a new project.
Select "ASP.NET Core Web Application" template.
Choose a project name and location, then click "Create."
In the next window, select "API" as the project template and ensure that "ASP.NET Core" and the desired .NET version are selected.
Step 2: Setting up Entity Framework Core
Install Entity Framework Core if not already installed. You can do this via NuGet Package Manager.
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Install-Package Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer
Install-Package Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Tools
Define your model classes. These will be the entities that map to your database tables.
Define a DbContext class that inherits from DbContext provided by Entity Framework Core. This class will represent your database context and will include DbSet properties for each of your model classes.
Step 3: Database Migration
Create an initial migration to generate the database schema based on your model classes.
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Add-Migration InitialCreate
Apply the migration to create the database.
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Step 4: Creating Web API Controllers
Add a new folder for your controllers (e.g., Controllers).
Create a new Web API controller for each of your model classes (e.g., ProductsController for a Product model).
Implement CRUD operations in each controller using methods such as GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE.
Step 5: Testing the API
Run your application.
Use tools like Postman or Swagger UI to test your API endpoints.
Test each CRUD operation to ensure they are working as expected.
Step 6: Advanced Topics
Implementing validation: Use Data Annotations or Fluent API for model validation.
Authentication and Authorization: Secure your API using JWT tokens or other authentication mechanisms.
Error handling: Implement global error handling to provide meaningful error messages to clients.
Optimistic Concurrency: Handle concurrency conflicts when multiple clients try to update the same resource simultaneously.
Logging and Monitoring: Implement logging and monitoring to track API usage and diagnose issues.
Additional Resources:
Entity Framework Core Documentation
ASP.NET Core Documentation
Microsoft Learn provides comprehensive tutorials and courses on .NET development.
Pluralsight and Udemy offer courses on ASP.NET Core development.
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