
ASP .NET Syllabus

 ABFIRST Pvt Ltd     

      ASP . net


§  What is .NET?

§  ASP.NET and its uses

§  New in ASP.NET 3.5, 4.0 and later

§  Common Language Runtime

§  Internet Information Server

§  Installation of ASP.NET

§  Namespaces

§  .Net Framework Classes

§  The Visual Studio 2012/2013 IDE

   Web Site Navigation and Validation

§  Navigation Controls

§  Tree View Control Menu

§  Control Site Map Path

§  Control Wizard Control

§  Validation Controls

§ validation controls

§  Configuring validation controls

   Web Forms & Controls

§  Basic and Advanced Controls like (Button, Textbox, Radio Button, Dropdown List, Calendar, Image, Check box, List box, Hyper link, File Upload, Grid View )

§  Web Control Class

§  Creating Web Forms Application

§  Handling Images

§  Navigating between Pages

§  Managing Server Controls

§  Server Control Events

§  Using HTML Controls

§  Using Data Controls

   State Management

§  Preserving State in Web Applications

§  Using Cookies to Preserve State

§  ASP.NET Session State

§  Application State

§  View State

§  Hidden fields

§  Query String

§  Cookies

   Master Pages & Themes

§  Simple Master Page Nested Master Page

§  Configuring Master Page Creating Themes

§  Applying Themes

§  Applying Style sheet

   Validation Controls

§  Require field Validator

§  Range Validator

§  Compare Validator

§  Regular Expression

§  Custom Validator

§  Validation Summary


   ASP.NET Web Services

§  Introduction to XML Web services

§  Creating Web Service

§  Setting the Web Service Attribute

§  Test and Run Your Web Service

§  Consuming a Web Service in Client Application

§  Consuming a Third Party Web service


   File I/O and Streams

§  Working with Serial Ports

§  Network Communications

§  Web Request and Web Response

§  Sending Mail

   Uploading Files

§  Using File Upload Control

§  Setting the location and filename to upload the files

§  Upload the Files

§  Restricting the type and size of the Files

   User Controls

§  Creating User Controls

§  Interacting with User Controls

§  Loading User Controls Dynamically

   Security, Membership & Roles

§  Authentication

§  Authorization

§  Impersonation

§  Code Access Security

   Advanced Concepts

§  CURD Operations using Grid

§  Email Sending Functionality

§  SMS Sending Functionality

§  Crystal Reports

§  Caching and types


§  Entity Framework                                           

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