
Angular Syllabus

 ABFIRST Pvt Ltd   


                                          Introduction to Angular

§  What is Angular?

§  AngularJS

§  Angular CLI

§  NodeJS Introduction (NPM)

§  Setup of NodeJS and Angular

§  What is Typescript?

§  How does Angular get started?

§  First Angular App

   Components & Data-binding

§  Introduction to Modules & Databinding

§  Splitting Apps into Components

§  Property & Event binding overview

§  Binding to Custom Properties

§  Assigning an Alias to Custom Properties

§  Binding to Custom Events

§  Assigning an Alias to Custom events

§  Custom Property and Event Binding Summary

§  Understanding View Encapsulation

§  Using Local References in Templates

§  Getting Access to the Template & DOM with @ViewChild

§  Projecting Content into Components with ng-content

§  Understanding the Component Lifecycle

§  Lifecycle Hooks in Action

§  Lifecycle Hooks & Template Access

§  Accessing ng-content with @ContentChild


§  Understanding Directives

§  Using ngIf to Output Data Conditionally

§  Enhancing ngIf with an Else Condition

§  Output Lists with ngFor

§  Styling Elements Dynamically with ngStyle

§  Applying CSS Classes Dynamically with ngClass

§  Creating Basic Attribute Directive

§  Using the Renderer to build Better Attribute Directive

§  More about Renderer

§  Listen to Host Events using HostListener

§  Bind to Host Properties using HostBinding

§  Binding to Directive Properties

§  Behind the scenes of Structural Directives

§  What is ngSwitch?

   Changing Pages with Routing

§  Setting up and Loading Routes

§  Navigating with Router Links

§  Understanding Navigation Paths

§  Styling Active Router Links

§  Navigating Programmatically

§  Using Relative Paths in Programmatic Navigation

§  Passing Parameters to Routes

§  Fetching Route Parameters

§  Fetching Route Parameters Reactively

§  Route Observables

§  Passing Query Paramters and Fragments

§  Retrieving Query Parameters & Fragments

§  Setting up Child(Nested) Routes

§  Configuring the Handling of Query Parameters

§  Redirection & Wildcard Routes

   Reactive Forms

§  Introduction to Reactive Approach

§  Creating a Reactive Form in Code

§  Syncing HTML and Form

§  Submitting Reactive Forms

§  Adding Validation to Reactive Forms

§  Getting Access to Controls

§  Grouping Controls

§  Arrays of Form Controls

§  Creating Custom Validators

§  Using Error Codes with Reative Forms

§  Creating Custom Async Validator

§  Reacting to Status or Value Changes

   Making HTTP Requests

§  Introduction to Http Requests

§  How Http Requests Work in SPAs

§  Sending Requests

§  Adjusting Request Headers

§  Sending GET Requests

§  Sending a PUT Request

§  Observable Operators

§  Using Returned Data

§  Catching Http Errors

§  Using 'async' Pipe with Http Requests

   Angular Modules and Optimizing Apps

§  The idea behind Modules

§  Understanding App Module

§  Understanding Feature Modules

§  Creating a Feature Module

§  Registering Routes in Feature Modules

§  Understanding Shared Modules

§  Creating a Shared Module

§  Creating the Auth Feature module

§  Understanding Lazy Loading

§  How Modules & Services Work Together

§  Understanding the Core Module

§  Creating a Basic Core Module

§  Using Ahead-of-time compilation


§  Introduction to HttpClient

§  Unlocking the HttpClient

§  Request Configuration & Response

§  Requesting Events

§  Setting Headers

§  Http Parameters

§  Progress

§  Interceptors

§  Modifying Requests in Interceptors

§  Multiple interceptors

   Angular Animations

§  Introduction to Angular Animations

§  Animation Triggers & State

§  Switching between States

§  Transitions

§  Advanced Transitions

§  Transition Phases

§  The "void" State

§  Using Keyframes for Animations

§  Grouping Transitions


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