
C# Course syllabus

ABFIRST Pvt Ltd                                                

   C SHARP(C#)



§  Variables

§  Integral & Floating Point Datatypes

§  String Datatypes

§  Boolean Variables

§  Accepting Console Input

§  Procedural and Object-Oriented Programming

§  The C# language

§  Selecting Identifiers

§  Adding Comments

§  Writing & Compiling a C# Program

§  Using the Visual Studio IDE

§  Operators

§  Data Type Conversions

§  Enums

Decisions & Looping

§  if Statement

§  if-else statement

§  Using Conditional Operators

§  Switch Statement

§  while, for, and do loops

§  Nested Loops


§  Understanding Methods

§  Writing Methods

§  Accessibility

§  Static Modifier

§  Return Type

§  Method Identifier


§  Declaring Arrays

§  Assigning Values to Arrays

§  Length Property

§  Using foreach

§  Using Loops with Arrays

§  Multidimensional Arrays

   Basics for OOP's

§  Structs

§  Class

§  Class Vs Struct

§  Properties


   Object Oriented Concepts

§  Object

§  Class

§  Abstraction

§  Encapsulation

§  Inheritance

§  Polymorphism

§  Method Overloading and hiding

§  Understanding Inheritance

§  protected Access Specifier

§  Base Class Methods

§  Using Object Class

§  Base Class Constructors

§  Using Extension Methods

§  Understanding Classes

§  Creating an Object Class

§  Creating Objects

§  Creating Properties

§  public & private Access & access modifiers

§  Understanding this Reference

§  Constructors & Destructors

§  Abstract Classes

§  Sealed Classes

§  Partial Classes

§  Interfaces

§  Abstract classes vs Interfaces.

   Exception Handling

§  Understanding Exceptions

§  Error-Handling Methods

§  ToString() Method and Message Property

§  Multiple Exceptions

§  The finally Block

§  Exception Classes

§  Rethrowing an Exception

§  Serialization and Deserialization

   Using LINQ

§  Relational Database Fundamentals

§  Databases and Tables

§  SQL Queries

§  Access Database

§  Implicitly Typed Variables

§  Using LINQ Queries

§  Using LINQ Operators

   Advanced Concepts

  • Delegates
  • Assemblies and Types
  • Nullable Types
  • Multi Threading            
  • Events in C#     
  • C# Multithreading        
  • Collections in C#          
  • . Non - Generic Collections       
  • . Generic Collections    
  • C# - Unsafe Codes        
  • C# - Properties
  • Accessors         
  • Reflection in C#

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