
ASP .NET Core MVC Syllabus

 ABFIRST Pvt Ltd    



                                                Introduction to ASP.NET Core MVC

§  Understanding MVC architecture

§  Introduction to ASP.NET Core MVC

§  Benefits of ASP.NET Core MVC over traditional ASP.NET MVC

§  Creating a new ASP.NET Core MVC project

§  Understanding project structure and files

§  Configuration and startup process

§  Dependency injection in ASP.NET Core


§  Creating controllers and actions

§  Routing and attribute routing

§  Handling HTTP requests and responses

§  Action results and return types

§  Controller lifecycle and filters


§  Creating views and partial views

§  Razor syntax fundamentals

§  Layout pages and sections

§  Strongly-typed views and models

§  HTML Helpers and Tag Helpers


§  Defining data models using Plain Old CLR Objects (POCOs)

§  Data annotations for validation

§  Model binding and validation

§  Working with complex types and collections

§  View models and data transfer objects (DTOs)

     Routing, Filter and Middleware

§  Structs Configuring route templates and route constraints

§  Attribute routing and route parameters

§  Custom route constraints and route handlers

§  Middleware pipeline and request processing

§  Understanding action filters and result filters

§  Global and local filter registration

§  Custom filter implementation

§  Middleware in ASP.NET Core

§  Built-in middleware and custom middleware component

   Authentication and Authorization

§  Implementing authentication mechanisms (JWT, OAuth, cookies)

§  Configuring authentication middleware

§  Securing MVC controllers and actions with authorization policies

§  Role-based and claim-based authorization

§  Implementing custom authorization handlers

    Services and Dependency Injection

§  Registering services and dependencies

§  Constructor injection and property injection

§  Built-in services vs. custom services

§  Lifetime of services (transient, scoped, singleton)

§  Service registration and resolution

   Testing and Documentation

§  Relational Unit testing controllers and actions

§  Integration testing with test servers

§  Using testing frameworks (xUnit, NUnit, MSTest)

§  Generating API documentation (Swagger/OpenAPI)

§  Documenting endpoints, parameters, and response types

§  Identifying and resolving common issues in ASP.NET Core MVC development

§  Debugging techniques for MVC applications

§  Handling database connection issues

§  Performance tuning and optimization strategies


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