
Friday 22 March 2024

Drop down using ASP.NET Core MVC

                   Drop down using ASP.NET Core MVC 

  1. Create a new ASP.NET Core MVC Project: Open Visual Studio and create a new ASP.NET Core Web Application project. Choose the "ASP.NET Core Web Application" template and select "MVC" as the project type.

  2. Create a Model: You'll need a model class to represent the data for your dropdown list. For example, if you're creating a dropdown list of countries, you might create a Country class:

  1. Create a ViewModel (Optional): Sometimes, you may need a ViewModel to transfer data from the controller to the view. For simplicity, you can use the model itself as the ViewModel in this case.

  2. Define the Dropdown Data: In your controller, create a list of items to populate the dropdown list. For example, you might create a list of Country objects:var countries = new List<Country>

    { new Country { Id = 1, Name = "USA" }, new Country { Id = 2, Name = "Canada" }, // Add more countries as needed };
  3. Pass the Dropdown Data to the View: Pass the list of countries to the view using ViewBag, ViewData, or a ViewModel. For example, using ViewBag:
  4. ViewBag.Countries = countries;
Create the Dropdown in the View: In the corresponding Razor view (e.g., Index.cshtml), create the dropdown list using HTML helpers:<select asp-items="@new SelectList(ViewBag.Countries, "Id", "Name")"></select>
  1. Here, "Id" and "Name" are the properties of the Country class to be used as the value and text of the dropdown options, respectively.

  2. Handle Form Submission (Optional): If the dropdown list is part of a form and you want to handle its selection, you'll need to post the form data back to the server. Handle the form submission in your controller action accordingly.

  3. Access Selected Value: In your controller action, you can access the selected value of the dropdown list using the form data or model binding, depending on how you handle form submission.

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